Spellings Grammer Fixing For Any Text with ChatGPT

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A good idea, no matter how great it is, may get ignored if it is not presented effectively. Here is a prompt that will help you fix all the grammatical errors and spelling mistakes effortlessly. The best part about this prompt is that it not only corrects the mistakes but also provides feedback, enabling you to avoid such errors in the future and write like a professional. BE A GRAMMER EXPERT


Input [TEXT With Grammer Errors and Spelling errors ]


eg. About You and Your background I had start working on my next book. It deals with everyday life and how do we overcome obstacles and problems we face. It could be probblems at work, in the family, or just everyday life. The important aspect is that you move forward. ?


Let Prompt Fix The issue 

“I have started working on my next book, which deals with everyday life and how to overcome obstacles and problems we face, whether it be at work, in the family, or in everyday life. The important aspect is that we move forward.”


Grammatical errors corrected:


“had start” should be “have started”

“probblems” should be “problems”

“it could be probblems” should be “whether it be at work, in the family, or in everyday life”

“you move forward” should be “we move forward” to match the subject of the sentence.

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