PYTHON Time Manipulation Techniques: Mastering Duration Calculations

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The program for calculating duration between entry and exit times using `datetime` in Python can be expanded to perform various other operations related to time and datetime manipulation. Here are some examples of additional operations and functionalities you can implement:
1. **Time Arithmetic**:
   – Extend the program to calculate the sum or difference of multiple time durations.
   – Implement operations to add or subtract a specified number of hours or minutes from a given time.
2. **Time Conversion**:
   – Convert durations between different units (e.g., convert hours and minutes to total minutes or vice versa).
   – Convert times between different time zones using the `pytz` library.
3. **Time Comparison**:
   – Compare two time durations to determine which one is longer or shorter.
   – Check if a certain time duration exceeds a specified threshold.
4. **Time Formatting**:
   – Modify the output format to display durations in a more user-friendly way (e.g., “X hours and Y minutes”).
5. **Error Handling**:
   – Implement error handling to validate user input (e.g., check for valid time format and handle exceptions gracefully).
   – Handle edge cases such as midnight transitions or time overlaps.
6. **Time Aggregation**:
   – Aggregate durations over multiple entries to calculate total time spent over a period (e.g., daily, weekly).

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