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Studio CarryOnHarry in talks with Paul Lubaczewski author of new horror book What is a Paddywack? : and other important questions . Today in this interview session he is about to introduce his new book to us and shares his journey as an author. He is also going to share his writing process and things that go around building his plot and characters. Some tips for new authors are also gonna be shared as well.
Paul Lubaczewsk : Author interview for his new book What is a Paddywack? : and other important questions
About You and Your background ?
Paul has lived all over the country before settling in Appalachia over fifteen years ago with his wife Leslie and their son. He also has two adult children living in his native Pennsylvania. He is the author of two horror comedy novels, with a third one on the way from Madness Heart Press. Along with that he has published a novella and a collection of novelettes from St. Rooster Books, “A New Life” and “3Hits From the Holler.”
His first full length collection, “What Is a Paddywack” published this May from Dreaming Big Publications. Paul is a member of the Horror Writers Association, appearing on panel for horror comedy at the 2021 Stoker Con. He has a dark and serious horror side, but he has also never answered the question, “Is everything a joke with you?” correctly once in his entire life
How much does your life influences your story telling and the characters that you bring to life ?
You try to avoid directly putting things in, but we are all a collection of our own life experiences. It’s more or less unavoidable
Title Of Your New Release
What is a Paddywack?: and other important questions
What is the central theme of book ?
In this case it’s a collection, so other than horror it’s hard to say that it has only one theme.
Where did the idea came from ? How much did you tweak it ? Your Initial planning and analysis of final stuff ?
Most of the stories were written over the course of two years earlier in my career when I focused more on short stories than novels. Everything takes tweeking, everything.
How much are you playing in the book as one of your characters ? Do you ever hide behind shades of your characters ?
If I was a character in one of my shorts, my first thought would be to leave the situations I put them in. A certain lack of common sense is inherent in horror. There are some personal things, but the nice thing about a collection, it only lasts for a single story and then on to the next.
what is difficult to write Goodness Of Character / Evil Intentions. What do you enjoy most out of developing them ?
I try not to hammer people over the head with how good my characters are. People rarely relate to absolute purity, and to make them feel what’s coming they need to see themselves in the situation.
Do you structure the flow of story in beginning itself or you improvise ? In your idea what is good to have before you hit a road block ?
The pantser vs planner argument. Put me on the side of the pantser. I usually can move around road blocks by working on multiple things at once, if I’m stuck, go work on another project. What I need will be there when I come back to it.
How many books have you written and how different is new book ? Difference is in which specific area ?
Written and published are different animals. This is my fifth published book, more are sold and coming, and more are written and in editing. This is my first full length collection.
Which Character do you like most and why . Any real life inspiration ? Do you ever wish to meet this character in real life ?
Doctor Topsy, I made him up out of whole cloth and no I would absolutely not want to meet him.
Why will you recommend this book to readers ?
While it’s all horror the nicest thing about a collection, there’s always another tale.
Have you already started working on next book ? What is on your mind for it ?
Writing two, revising two. Another horror comedy, and a much darker horror novel.
Any good tips you would like to share for new aspiring authors apart from saying just start the book ?
Persistence is the key to everything. The easiest way to fail is to quit. Also, read constantly, you can learn more from a bad book than any class, even if what you learned is to never do that.
How did you hear about CarryOnHarry ? Any message for Studio ? Any Suggestion that we can make it better ?
Honestly, as simple as it popping up on my newsfeed. Look at that, sometimes Facebook works as directed.
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