Editors Choice

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

Popularity Views : 2,741 Hello and welcome to Studio CarryOnHarry! I’m Ella, your host for today’s interview, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the incredible trio, the Cali Chixxx, joining us. Hailing from the vibrant streets of West Los Angeles, these talented women have redefined the rap game with their exceptional fusion of

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Autopilot Story Writer Short Story Writing With AI

Crafting Short Stories with AI Tools: A Fusion of Creativity and Technology

Popularity Views : 2,630 In the digital age, the synergy between human creativity and technological advancements has led to groundbreaking developments in various fields. Writing, particularly the creation of short stories, has witnessed a revolution through the integration of AI tools. These tools assist writers in brainstorming ideas, enhancing plot structures, and even generating story

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Author Larry D. Hill’s New Audiobook, “False Doctrine Revealed and Corrected,” Was Written as a Result of Various Beliefs That Are Taught and Practiced

Spring Valley, CA, February 03, 2023 –(CarryOnHarry.com)– Larry D. Hill has completed his new audiobook, “False Doctrine Revealed and Corrected”: an engaging work that helps listeners decipher the truth about the Word of God.

It was when Mr. Hill began a conscious effort to study the Bible that he noticed and realized there were certain discrepancies between what was taught in his youth and what the Bible was saying. He had to ask the question, “What am I to believe—what I was taught from my youth or what the Bible teaches me itself?” His decision to choose the Bible was easy. It was through many years of biblical research and study of how the Bible interprets itself that all the pieces fit like pieces to a puzzle. It was through this process that he realized that some of the traditions and beliefs that many people practice today are not biblically sound and some that are practiced are not biblical at all. It was by revealing these untruths that inspired this book False Doctrine Revealed and Corrected to be written.

Hill writes, “You are highly encouraged to research the Bible for yourself of what’s written in this book. The Bible confirms itself. However, it’s important that you don’t read into it with preconceived beliefs but to be open-minded and let it read what it says to you. If nothing else, and more importantly, you will increase in your learning and understanding of the Bible. All praise and glory to God.”

Published by Audiobook Network, author Larry D. Hill’s new audiobook is a compelling work that encourages listeners to understand what is written in the Bible.

Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “False Doctrine Revealed and Corrected” by Larry D. Hill through Audible, the Apple iTunes store, or Amazon.

Audiobooks are the fastest growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening.

Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors’ books or eBooks to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.

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Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing

Popularity Views : 1,204   Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing Mindset plays a critical role in achieving success in self-publishing. The right mindset can help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to your goals, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. In this article, we’ll explore five key mindset

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