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From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

Popularity Views : 2,730 Hello and welcome to Studio CarryOnHarry! I’m Ella, your host for today’s interview, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the incredible trio, the Cali Chixxx, joining us. Hailing from the vibrant streets of West Los Angeles, these talented women have redefined the rap game with their exceptional fusion of

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Autopilot Story Writer Short Story Writing With AI

Crafting Short Stories with AI Tools: A Fusion of Creativity and Technology

Popularity Views : 2,617 In the digital age, the synergy between human creativity and technological advancements has led to groundbreaking developments in various fields. Writing, particularly the creation of short stories, has witnessed a revolution through the integration of AI tools. These tools assist writers in brainstorming ideas, enhancing plot structures, and even generating story

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Author Patricia Herdoiza Hernández’s New Book, “Esther; Queen of Persia,” is a Compelling Story of the Life of Queen Esther and Her Fight to Save Her People in Persia

Adelphi, MD, June 16, 2023 –(CarryOnHarry.com)– Patricia Herdoiza Hernández, a professor of psychology, has completed her new book, “Esther; Queen of Persia”: a retelling of the Book of Esther from the Old Testament, which brings to life the story of Esther and her struggles to save her people for a new, modern audience.

Fascinated by Biblical stories since she was a child, author Patricia Herdoiza Hernández often loved to imagine these accounts through the eyes of the people who lived them. Raised Catholic and taught Bible stories by her beloved nonna, Hernández decided to be baptized a Christadelphian at the age of twenty-seven. After discovering her passion for writing, the author began retelling these Biblical stories with her main goal being to direct her audiences towards Christ. Currently, Hernández resides in Maryland with her husband, Elías, and their daughter, Camila.

Hernández writes, “Esther is a young Jewish woman living in the Persian Empire many years after her people were exiled there from the land of Israel. Although she has never seen the promised land, she knows God will take her there someday. For now, she has more pressing concerns. Daily life consists of working at the bakery and taking care of her dear uncle Mordecai, who has never been the same since the grisly murder of Esther’s parents and grandparents sixteen years ago. They were killed for being Jewish, and Mordecai tells Esther to never tell anyone she is a Jew.

“Esther loves God and knows He is with her at every moment. She also loves her uncle but sometimes wishes to find her own happiness, that kind of love she imagines between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. One night, soldiers arrive and take her to King Xerxes’s harem since he is looking for a new queen to replace Queen Vashti, who had displeased him. To Esther’s surprise, she and Xerxes feel a sense of trust with each other, and he decides to make her queen. Over time, they fall deeply in love. There’s just one thing missing. Xerxes doesn’t know Esther is Jewish. Esther wants to tell him to share her whole heart with her beloved husband, but she has always been taught not to speak about being Jewish, not to anyone.

“Will Esther and Xerxes’s love for each other be enough to protect both Esther and her people? Will she be able to speak and reveal her true self to her husband and the kingdom? When an evil plot to destroy the Jews is concocted by Haman, Xerxes’s second-in-command, Esther must decide to speak up or not. In doing so, she risks her life, as it is against the law to approach the king without being summoned. Will Xerxes’s love for her be more powerful than the law? Which will win, love or law?”

Published by Covenant Books of Murrells Inlet, South Carolina, Patricia Herdoiza Hernández’s new book is a compelling reimagining of Esther’s rise to become Queen of Persia, as well as her plight to save her people no matter the cost. Expertly paced and character-driven, Hernández presents a fresh take on this historical book of the Old Testament through modern eyes.

Readers can purchase “Esther; Queen of Persia” at bookstores everywhere, or online at the Apple iTunes store, Amazon, or Barnes and Noble.

Covenant Books is an international Christian owned and operated publishing house based in Murrells Inlet, South Carolina. Covenant Books specializes in all genres of work which appeal to the Christian market. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Covenant Books at 843-507-8373.

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Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing

Popularity Views : 1,195   Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing Mindset plays a critical role in achieving success in self-publishing. The right mindset can help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to your goals, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. In this article, we’ll explore five key mindset

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