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Studio Carry On Harry [ Interviews with Authors ] Book Talks with Author Lucia Catherine . Occasion being her New Book Release “’Forgotten Identity‘” . Today in this interview session she is about to introduce her book to us and shares her experience as an author. She is also going to share her writing process and will share some tips for new authors .
About You and Your background ?
I’m from the beaches of Delaware in the United States and am married with three adult sons. I spend most of my time writing and volunteer for a Pug Rescue. I love being on the water in our friend’s boat or at the beach. Forgotten Identity is the first published in a series of three stories.
How much does your life influences your story telling and the characters that you bring to life ?
My favorite people often sneak their way into my writing. Mannerisms and personality traits, the good, the bad, and the frustrating. Most of my characters are based on people I know or have met. Some are merely created from my imagination.
Title Of Your New Release
Forgotten Identity
What is the central theme of book ?
Decisions and Determination. A lost soul finds peace while a family heals.
Where did the idea came from ? How much did you tweak it ? Your Initial planning and analysis of final stuff ?
The idea came to me one day as I attended a fundraiser in Connecticut. It has been tweaked and changed many times during its ten-year hibernation. I’m not much of a planner, and once I sat in front of my laptop, the words came. Most sentences were horrible, and I call it my “word vomit.” But more importantly, there is the rough outline of a story that needs tweaking.
How much are you playing in the book as one of your characters ? Do you ever hide behind shades of your characters ?
Each of my characters has a little bit of me in them. Either who I am now, or who I wish I could be, or who I plan to grow to be. My characters are flawed and human. And most find their inner strength.
what is difficult to write Goodness Of Character / Evil Intentions. What do you enjoy most out of developing them ?
Both come easy to me. I think many people have a lot of good and sometimes a tiny bit of evil. I adore writing a girl with some sass, someone who is brave enough to say what I wish I could say. I also enjoy writing an evil antagonist. I have met enough people in my life, most wonderful, but for those not so nice, I have plenty of fodder to create a significantly evil character. Sometimes I shock myself.
Do you structure the flow of story in beginning itself or you improvise ? In your idea what is good to have before you hit a road block ?
I do not structure the story; I often know where to begin. Sometimes in the middle of the plot, I get stuck. Roadblocks often come, but I try to keep myself even-keeled and not stress over them. I’ll put the story is on the back burner until my brain relaxes and triggers an idea.
How many books have you written and how different is new book ? Difference is in which specific area ?
This is my first published novel, the first in a trilogy. I also have sixteen other stories written. Some involve crimes, other real-life situations that or women face in these troubled times.
Which Character do you like most and why . Any real life inspiration ? Do you ever wish to meet this character in real life ?
I adore Natalia, her kind soul, the inner strength she finds dealing with the changes in her life. She’d be a dear friend.
Why will you recommend this book to readers ?
I love this story. The characters are relatable and human. The story is captivating.
How do you deal with Negative Feedbacks ? How do you stay balanced with Positive Feed back ?
So far, I haven’t had any negative feedback. When it does come, I’ll read it with an open mind and learn from it. People are vastly different, and so are their opinions, and that is a good thing. I hope the positive feedback will balance out the negative. I’m protective of my work and often struggle with the insecurities of putting it out there. Positive feedback keeps me hopeful that I am good at what I love.
Have you already started working on next book ? What is on your mind for it ?
I’m working on the second book now, the sequel to Forgotten Identity. It’s finished but needs tweaking and editing.
Any good tips you would like to share for new aspiring authors apart from saying just start the book ?
The best advice I could offer is that if you have a story that needs to be told, get it down on paper. When I get an idea, and I run with it, without a formal outline.
How did you hear about CarryOnHarry ? Any message for Studio ? Any Suggestion that we can make it better ?
Someone from CarryOnHarry reached out to me on social media.
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