Editors Choice

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

Popularity Views : 2,730 Hello and welcome to Studio CarryOnHarry! I’m Ella, your host for today’s interview, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the incredible trio, the Cali Chixxx, joining us. Hailing from the vibrant streets of West Los Angeles, these talented women have redefined the rap game with their exceptional fusion of

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Autopilot Story Writer Short Story Writing With AI

Crafting Short Stories with AI Tools: A Fusion of Creativity and Technology

Popularity Views : 2,618 In the digital age, the synergy between human creativity and technological advancements has led to groundbreaking developments in various fields. Writing, particularly the creation of short stories, has witnessed a revolution through the integration of AI tools. These tools assist writers in brainstorming ideas, enhancing plot structures, and even generating story

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Book Talks with Author Matthew Paris “A Confrontation of Souls & Words”

Matthew Paris Introduces Latest Book of Poems by, ‘A Confrontation of Souls & WordsI was born and raised in Houston, Texas. Growing up, writing was something I never really thought about. As I got older, I discovered I was pretty good at it. I grew up playing sports, but my favorite subject in school was English Literature. It was my sophomore year of high school and my English teacher told me I was doing really well in the class. I didn’t get serious about it until college.

I attended Texas Tech University where I majored in English Literature. There I really learned about the form and storytelling. After I graduated, I began coaching youth athletes and started writing screenplays. I’ve written three short films at the time. The first one, “Crisis” won many accolades and was sold for television distribution. It played on AT&T U-VERSE and DirecTV. It played in the United States, Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

The second short film I wrote and directed was “The Last Catch.” It also won many accolades including the Silver Remi Award from Worldfest-Houston, and the California Film Award for best produced screenplay. The film was sold for television distribution and shown in the United States, Europe, Middle East, and Africa.

My first book was “Preparing Athletes For The Future” and is available on Amazon and other retailers worldwide. My latest book is my book of poems. “A Confrontation of Souls & Words” available worldwide on Amazon and Barnes & Noble online.

A Confrontation of Souls & Words

Some of my poems are very abstract, but I’ll pull from past events from my life. How it affected me. Through poems I like to give my thoughts of what’s around me, but maybe something I’ve learned from someone or just observed.

Time and the earth. What kind of emotions are we feeling? How does it affect us in life.

I’m inspired by a lot of things in life. I wanted to talk about the emotions that we all feel and how do we deal with obstacles in our everyday life. I pull inspiration from a lot of different directions. If you look closely inspiration is everywhere.

I have started working on my next book. It deals with everyday life and how do we overcome obstacles and problems we face. It could be problems at work, in the family, or just everyday life. The important aspect is that you move forward.

The first poem is about life and how do we find our love in life. Maybe are significant other is closer than you think.

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Carry On Harry Viewpoint

Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing

Popularity Views : 1,197   Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing Mindset plays a critical role in achieving success in self-publishing. The right mindset can help you stay motivated, focused, and committed to your goals, even in the face of challenges and setbacks. In this article, we’ll explore five key mindset

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