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Interview With Cecilia La Roja her new song release Hablame
Tell us about yourself ?
Life is a mystery, a continuous journey towards oneself and towards others. I still don’t know what tomorrow holds for me. Writing songs and singing them with closed eyes is what my present is. My musician friends are the souls that allow me to connect with the universe. Mike Mango, Frank Petrarca and Daniel Cuscuna are the heart of the band. The producer is the flamenco guitarist Alex D’Alessandro.
How long you been in performing arts ?
My father bought me a guitar when I was 10 years old. I have been been transforming the vibrations of my life into music ever since.
What was most attractive part for you to be in this industry ?
Translating the vibrations of the earth into music and poetry.
Share some experiences ( good or bad ) any that made you grow in life or profession ?
Street art, performances among people and on streets around the world have led me to stay in close contact with the truth, as I described in my song Hablame.
Who inspired you ? How do you work on creating your own signature style ?
Style is something innate. Something you don’t look for. It is tied to the truth. The truth is only found in the simplicity of things. Songs and style are already written in the wind. We just look for them.
What do you want to convey through your music?
A dance of emotions (given and experienced)
Story behind making of your new track / Album?
Hablame, my last song says: “Talk to me like the hope that speaks to the world. Talk to me like the beauty is right. Talk to me even without words, like a newly bloomed rose that makes itself heard in the midst of silence.
Any interesting trivia about making of song ?
Sometimes it starts from a song.
People who you would like to thank ?
My friend and record producer Louis Siciliano, and my producer Alex D’Alessandro.
People who you would like to work with and people you idolize to be like professionally ?
With artists who have something to say.
Where do you see your music 3 years from now ?
On Mars.
How would you like to stretch your boundaries of genre in future projects ?
I live in the present and allow beauty to happen.
Message for Fans and listeners
Tell me about you. I talk to you singing.
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