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Tell us about yourself ?
My names thejnasty and I first started making music back in 2019. I actually started making music because my best friend at the time inspired me to try something different and I knew I didn’t wanna be an Electrian (which is what I was about to be going to school for.) Off a whiff I dropped my first recorded track on SoundCloud during the last 2 months of school and the results were astonishing, I know I could do anything I wanted in life and at that moment I wanted to be a successful artist so I changed my life goals. From 2019-2021 I was mainly focusing on how I would do it, why I was doing it, and what I would be doing. I found that I had a natural ear/tongue for music and that I wanted to help anybody I could along the way so with that I started managing other artists and building my connections. I started doing it for the fans and now I’m doing it to prove you can do anything even when you thought you had your life all planned out. I’m now working with hundreds of other artists to help them gain their online credibility while doing the same thing for myself. All I’ve been doing is building up for this moment, 2022 is the year we break out of the underground and get into the upcoming!
What was most attractive part for you to be in this industry ?
I’m not really sure, now that I’m in the Industry the most attractive part is being able to have a fan base I could grow and perform with, but before I joined the industry I really had no idea what I was getting into. I was just sort of dropping a track off a whiff like, “well this is that, I guess if it blows up that’d be cool” (not expecting to nearly get any traction)
Share some experiences that made you grow in life or profession ?
I’ve been making music with my ex best friend since I started, his name is confidential, but he was the main reason why I started making music. He’s also one of the main reasons I was so motivated, (I wanted to prove to him that I could be right up there with him, on the stage, in the Stu, and just in life) but unfortunately after a bit I started to out perform him and he got envy. I learned a very valuable lesson, you really only have yourself and family if you’re lucky, everybody is just using and stepping on others to get their 2 seconds of fame, unfortunately I don’t think this way and I didn’t realize this for awhile, now I’m woke. I still will definitely go out of my way to help others, but now I’m a bit more cautious who I put my time and energy in, not everyone deserves what they want. Especially if their only looking to self benefit, I’d rather help others first…
Who inspired you ? How do you work on creating your own signature style ?
I was inspired by my ex best friend, but my true influences are people like Eminem, Mac Miller, Comethazine, and the people I surround myself with who have the same goals as me. I combine genres and use my own unique sound to stay in my lane 🙏🙌
What do you want to convey through your music?
When I’m making music I’m in a zone, vibe, whatever you wanna call it. So it really just depends how I’m feeling, I used to make alot if club and party music because I was young and always partying, now that I’m a bit older I make more emotional and sound drawn music. I like to keep my music versatile tho so, if I feel like rapping ima rap, if I wanna sing or get a little experimental, that’s what I’ll do. I combine genres influenced by reggae, punk and rock all the way to rap, HipHop, and grime. Genres are far from defining my music so much so I sometimes don’t even know what genre to call it, it’s all just a vibe for me and I suppose I wanna show people that music and art comes in all different shapes and sizes and it’s okay to be an artist who doesn’t stick to one genre, Yk?
Story behind making of your new track / Album?
This most recent track was my first in the genre (hyperpop/Emo rap) and the feature was the one who inspired me to try it out, I found him through IG and instantly we hit it off, he’s extremely talented so our sounds simply collided. The chorus was the first chorus I’ve ever made that used far more pop than HipHop/ rap influences, and with that I just let go of alot of built up emotion surrounding my life. Filled with uncertainty, anxiety, and depression, to name a few. I was diagnosed with Fiberous Dysplasia which really took my life for a spin, with the disease being non cancerous, it may only mean I’ll need frequent X-rays and surgeries to stay on top of it, but nevertheless still really unfortunate and devastating
Any interesting trivia about making of song ?
This song was definitely like getting the weight off my shoulder and the fact that it was my first time really using my vocals so strongly like that, it was nice to see others genuinely messing with my music!
People who you would like to thank ?
I want to thank the person who got me into making music, I can’t say his name but he was my best friend in highschool, he knows who he is. Unfortunately we don’t talk anymore, but I truly wish the best for him!
People who you would like to work with and people you idolize to be like professionally ?
Everybody’s definitely got their own lane, just like myself. The company I’m now a manager for called EDST, has some real successful people I want to be like and I look up to. The owners name is @chrismcg and he’s probably the most successful person I know, he doesn’t make music anymore but if I want to be like anybody it would be him. All of the artists and rappers in the game now are no where near “similar to me” so I’d say I want to be the best me!
Where do you see your music 3 years from now ?
In 3 years my music is up there with anyone else’s music, by 3 years I should of had enough time to build my wealth, image, and knowledge in the industry to literally be who ever I desire to be, which as you know would be JNasty 💯
How would you like to stretch your boundaries of genre in future projects ?
I currently have made, pop, reggae, HipHop, rap, edm, and grime music. I’m on the edge of doing punk and rock, but like I said previously. I’ll likely have a song in every genre most likely in 3 years 👍
Message for Fans and listeners. ( Apart from connecting …. Your Advice / Inspiring Message
If you’re motivated, happy, and courageous you will and can truly do anything in this world, the people that you wanna be like or that motivate you are no different, they’ve just figured out how to do it longer and brighter than you. Everybody’s their own star, you’ve just gotta find your light and shine away!
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