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Studio Carry On Harry [ Interviews with Authors ] Book Talks with Author Jason Cook from U.K . Occasion being her New Book Release “Euphoria pirates of the south” . Today in this interview session he is about to introduce his book to us and shares his experience as an author. He is also going to share his writing process and will share some tips for new authors .
Name of the Book that you will talk today ? Why this title was most suitable ? Brief Synopsis Of Book ?
The book title is called Euphoria pirates of the south The Title was suited as Euphoria is what you feel when high and the music takes you into a trance like state Pirates are what are none as this Djs that take part in legal radio pirate radio hence pirates of the south. A young girl who is in a abusive family finds solace in the music industry but has to battle against what was once a male commentated industry no as the boys club. Can Lana make it as a number one DJ and open a main stream station.
Tell us about yourself. Who you are where you come from. Few things that define you ?
I’m Jason a dyslexic author father to 3 children working in a day shop I started writing as a form of debilitation Birn in Hackney move to Borehamwood Hertfordshire the Hollywood of the U.K. no writes for all different markets and has other books written for children and adults his children’s book is www.ratsinspace.com All though Jason finds writing a struggle and it takes him longer to get his work out he continues to move forward with his books Jason hopes to become a full time writer and then have his book made into film.
How did you discover writer in you ? What ultimately made you a writer ?
When I was forced to write as a form Of rehabilitation. Once I started I now enjoy writing as it takes you away from the norm and anything can happen in the writing world.
What are qualities that an author should have to write well ? What is yours ?
Capturing there audiences through great story telling visualizers and captivating characters
Talking about your new book ? What is it all about ?
It’s about a journey from A young girl through the race seen finding music as her escape from The domestic violence she witness on a daily base and finding hope no what has happened to you.
How do you construct ideas into books. Tell us Journey of your Books how they travel from just a thought all the way to store ?
Ok I think Of My experiences and then think about a topic and a market fir the book then write about it I do a little research and use fact and fiction in some of the books I have written.
What is your writing process. How you develop a plot, make it interesting read , create characters. Where do you draw inspiration from ?
So I write as if I’m the person in the book my process is I write a story then go deeper into it a just build the story around the characters and then in my mind I have to image each character what there like and what drives them and how the story changes them from the start to the finish how they experience the life I create for them based on my own experiences or things that happen or don’t happen to them my inspiration comes from watching people past and present.
Editors Note to Author
Fabulous ! i would say that is amazing way to conceive a plot putting yourself in those shoes of the character and add up situations around the character , creating problems finding solution. WoW I Loved your process. Sorry could not control expressing it.
Cheers :-)
How do you cope with writing block ? And any tips you have found to over come those blocks ?
I like to go to different places and work as each Places opens up a new feeling and gets rid of my block or I just have a day away give my mind a rest and feel fresh and ready to go back to it.
What is your writing routine ? Do you fancy to write a certain type of character or book ?
I try to write a hour a day and if I have me time I write much more as I find it relaxing and if it’s in a quite places away from the stress of home life and having teenagers around I get more done
What genre of books you want to write in future ?
I’d like to write horror Sci-fi A action drama history book about Romans like dan browns books that keep you guessing Also maybe more children family adventure
How do you deal with Negative Feedback ? How do you stay balanced with Positive Feed back ?
There will always be opinions some people will like and love your books some will hate and slate I take on board what they have said and see if they responded on The next book remembering not every one like fish and will have something got to say something about it look at the positive and each time if you get more positive then neg you may have cracked it and look at the not so positives and strive to add this in the next book not every one is going to like it
Your experiences with publishers and editors ? Any Tips for aspiring author about finding and working with them ?
I have self publish after my publisher went bust so I now take control of my own work and royalties but in The writers hand book there’s a wealth or knowledge that can help
Any book writing in progress ?
I’m Writing a new book based on my other 4 crime books the story behind how a teen boy becomes a gangsters runner
People whom you would like to thank and share gratitude with this interview ?
Thanks to all those that have read my books and to those that like to interview me
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Love what you do hear
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