Editors Choice

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

From West LA to Worldwide: The Cali Chixxx Story Unplugged

Popularity Views : 2,266 Hello and welcome to Studio CarryOnHarry! I’m Ella, your host for today’s interview, and I couldn’t be more thrilled to have the incredible trio, the Cali Chixxx, joining us. Hailing from the vibrant streets of West Los Angeles, these talented women have redefined the rap game with their exceptional fusion of

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Autopilot Story Writer Short Story Writing With AI

Crafting Short Stories with AI Tools: A Fusion of Creativity and Technology

Popularity Views : 2,105 In the digital age, the synergy between human creativity and technological advancements has led to groundbreaking developments in various fields. Writing, particularly the creation of short stories, has witnessed a revolution through the integration of AI tools. These tools assist writers in brainstorming ideas, enhancing plot structures, and even generating story

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Book Talks with Author Einat Shimshoni | New Book Release The House Of Lost Spirits

Studio Carry On Harry [ Interviews with Authors ] Book Talks with Author Einat Shimshoni from Israel . Occasion being her New Book Release “The House Of Lost Spirits”  . Today in this interview session she is about to introduce her  book to us  and shares her experience as an author. She is also going to share her writing process and will share some tips for new authors .

Editor's Note to Author 

Thank you Einat Shimshoni for taking out your time and reaching us on Studio Desk with this wonderful narrative you had penned down to tell us about your book and your journey. The great thing that i liked is that you have treated this opportunity to think beyond the questions drafted. At studio the first thing we like about our guest is they EXPRESS and not answers . 

And YES GLAD that someone from your part of globe joined us and brought in flavor of writing expression. 

Congratulations ! 
Thank You 

Harry Johal ( Editor Studio Carry On Harry )


Name of the Book that you will talk today ? Why this title was most suitable ? Brief Synopsis Of Book ?

book-talks-Einat-Shimshoni-The-House-of-Lost-SpiritsThe book “the house of lost spirits” was writing originally in Hebrew and was called “good spirits”‘ which have a double meaning in Hebrew. In the English version, we changed the title. The book tells the story of Noga, a 16-year-old intelligent young woman, though a bit depressive, who feels contempt for her parents and their bourgeois way of life. These confusing emotions lead her to make a decision from where there is no way back. She finds herself in an abandoned house where her steps leave no marks nor can her fingers wipe the dust off the antique furniture. Very soon she discovers there are five spirits living in the house, who all share something in common. The reason they are there and have not moved on is the direct result of their own choices. Now, however, their choices are being put to the test.

Tell us about yourself. Who you are where you come from. Few things that define you ?

I’m 39-year-old. I am a graphic designer, and I teach design at the college level as well. I am also a writer and illustrator. I have published two novels and two children’s books. However, only one of them was published in English. I live in Israel, in the tiny town of Katzrin together with my husband and our five children.

How did you discover writer in you ? What ultimately made you a writer ?

Ever since I was little, I have always loved inventing stories and telling them. I remember myself writing since I learned the alphabet. However, I never thought about a writer’s career. I went to art school to become a graphic designer. But I always knew words were something I can master. I wrote and illustrated my first children’s book for my daughter when she was hospitalized. Later, the book was accepted by one of the largest book publishers in Israel. Only then did I start thinking about the possibility of writing more books.

What are qualities that an author should have to write well ? Hints : Visualizer / Constructing ideas within Split seconds , What is yours ?

I think it is the ability to be attentive and sensitive to what is happening around us. The world is full of stories. We just need to know how to catch them and look deep into them.

Talking about your new book ? What is it all about ?

This book is mostly about decisions we make in life and how they affect us. It oscillates between the surreal and the mystic-fantasticAuthorf-Einat-Shimshoni-interview all the while touching in a deliberate, witty, and sad way upon life and death and the extremes between fate and choice, this world and the afterworld, and above all, the story of a journey of self-exploration.

How do you construct ideas into books. Tell us Journey of your Books how they travel from just a thought all the way to store ?

Usually, it starts with an idea that comes to my mind and I let it brew there. Most ideas dissolve at some point but when there is an idea that stays and does not let go, I keep developing it in my head until I feel it is clear enough to come out. I actually start writing when I already have a very clear picture of what I want to say.

What is your writing process. How you develop a plot, make it interesting read , create characters. Where do you draw inspiration from ?

I work in a very structured way. I prepare a skeleton of the plot, a description of each of the characters, a specification of the order of the scenes, and a schedule for writing. I put a lot of effort into research to better understand my characters and the background from which they come. Good research can save a lot of editing work at a later stage. I use beta readers throughout the writing stages and get feedback from them. Most of the inspiration comes from everyday life. From the people around me, talking about what happens to me, stories I hear. Like I said before – a writer needs to be attentive to his environment.

How do you cope with writing block ? And any tips you have found to over come those blocks ?

I have some colleagues who help me with writing blocks. We meet to talk about our ideas from time to time and it is very helpful. My children also help me a lot. They are a very creative bunch and I share my work with them and love to listen to what they have to say about it. Many times, the answer is simply to keep writing, even when there is nothing to write about. Write a shopping list, write flower names, write childhood memories. The main thing is to keep exercising the writing muscle.

What is your writing routine ? Do you fancy to write a certain type of character or book ?

I start each day with one hour of writing. I like to write characters that have something a little exaggerated in them. Characters who are on the edge of life

What genre of books you want to write in future ?

I like to combine realism with mysticism in my writing.

How do you deal with Negative Feedbacks ? How do you stay balanced with Positive Feed back ?

I try to remind myself that not everyone has to love my books and that it’s okay. When I got one star on Amazon, it pinched my heart, but I choose to look at all the five stars I got. Happily, I have never received a vicious or cruel review and even the negative reviews I have received were fair. I try to listen to them and learn from them. Different people have different tastes. I cannot please everyone.

Your experiences with publishers and editors ? Any Tips for aspiring author about finding and working with them ?

I think the most important thing is to put the ego aside and remember that everyone has a common goal – to bring out the best book. It is not easy to let someone else interfere in our work but good professionals can get the best out of us If only we would allow them. Look for someone you trust and who you have good chemistry with

Any book writing in progress ?

These days I am working on a new novel and still in the research stage. I hope to publish it by the end of 2022.

People whom you would like to thank and share gratitude with this interview ?

My sister, who writes and edits herself, and is my biggest supporter.

How did you hear about CarryOnHarry ? Any message for Studio ? Any Suggestion that we can make it better ?

I heard about you through Facebook. It is great to find such a place where one can find inspiration from so many creators.

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Studio Message to Studio Guests 

We at studio Carry On Harry want our Invited Studio Guests ( Interviewee ) to send us well documented interviews connecting with readers from Heart. This platform provides opportunity to everyone to share and inspire.

We do not want you to just create a book profile on our platform asking people to get copy of book. We would be glad if we can extract your personality from some questions that Editor has set for you to reply and send to studio. We want to give you service from heart.

Please send us good well documented interviews only.

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Carry On Harry Viewpoint

Amazon KDP Success: Mastering the Mindset for Writing and Publishing

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