Recent audiobook release “A Time for Us” from Audiobook Network author Frank Delegato is a prolific work of fiction that explores the ideas of personal identity, friendship, and finding oneself through the lens of a creature created in the same manner as Frankenstein’s monster.
April 29, 2021 ( –
Frank Delegato, a creative artist, sculptor, storyteller, and devoted author, has completed his new audiobook “A Time for Us”: a gripping and potent journey of intrigue, mystery, and manipulation with twists and turns interwoven throughout.
Published by Audiobook Network, author Frank Delegato’s new audiobook is an imaginative story that is a perfect listen for all fans of science fiction.
Dr. Frankenstein’s notes end up in the hands of the ambitious, young Dr. Rollar and his friend Dr. Hoyt. The two plan to create their own creature for the purpose of selling it as a laborer. Things go wrong when the creature discovers their intentions for him.
The creature slips through the grasp of the doctors and disappears into the woods. A meeting occurs between the creature and a young woman named Abigail. The two form a lasting friendship, but this camaraderie does not sit well with Abigail’s mother, who believes something terrible will follow this strange man.
Listeners can purchase the audiobook edition of “A Time for Us” by Frank Delegato through Audible, the Apple iTunes Store, or Amazon.
Audiobooks are the fastest-growing segment in the digital publishing industry. According to The Infinite Dial 2019, 50% of Americans age 12 and older have listened to an audiobook. This huge growth can be partly attributed to increased listening in cars, which surpassed the home as the #1 audiobook listening location in the 2019 survey. Smart speaker proliferation also bodes well for future listening growth and more mainstream listening.
Audiobook Network, Inc. (ABN) is a full-service audiobook publishing company that transforms authors’ books or eBooks to life through audio narration. ABN handles, narration, production, audio editing, digital formatting, distribution, promotion, and royalty collections all under one roof. For additional information or media inquiries, contact Audiobook Network at 866-296-7774.
Source: Audiobook Network