Scottsdale, AZ, September 30, 2022 –(– The Scottsdale Philharmonic has hired a full-time, world-class conductor, Maestro Dmitry Polyakov from Europe, to open its eleventh season on Sunday, Oct. 9.
The musical program for Oct. 9 will include Mozart’s “Clarinet Concerto Mvt. 1” with Soloist Heather Van Beek; Rubenstein’s “Melody in F” with Piano Soloist Vitaly Serebriakov; Liszt’s “Oh! Quand je dors” with Soloist Melissa Solomon; and Carl’s “O Fortuna from Carmina Burana” with full chorus.
“We are so lucky and privileged that Dmitry has decided to accept the position and become our Principal Conductor as we begin our newest vision of seeing the Scottsdale Philharmonic become a major symphony in Arizona,” says Joy Partridge, President and Co-Founder of the Scottsdale Philharmonic.
All concerts in the Scottsdale Philharmonic’s 2022-23 season (Oct. 9, Dec. 4, Dec. 11, Feb. 19, March 19 and May 7) will be held at the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, 7380 East Second St., Scottsdale, from 4 to 6 p.m.
Ticket donations of $15 are available for all upcoming concerts online at, and the venue website lists the latest information about COVID protocols for the events.
“Every great symphony must first start with a great conductor,” Partridge says. “Dmitry amazed both our musicians and audience as a visiting guest conductor with his brilliant talent and masterful skills as he conducted our spring concerts. He received numerous standing ovations and tremendous enthusiastic applause from our audience. It was an exciting moment for all of us who were there.
“Our orchestra members have expressed their enjoyment in performing under the baton of our new and exciting musical leader,” Partridge continues. “We feel his skills as a conductor enhances our abilities to perform at our highest level.
“The vision of creating the Scottsdale Philharmonic into a major symphony in Arizona is just beginning,” Partridge explains. “Because Maestro Polyakov is a key figure in building our future and lead us to a treasury of classical musical, we created the ‘Conductor’s Circle Sponsorship’ program. Contributions to this program will allow us to develop our new vision of a first class symphony in Scottsdale and build a great symphonic orchestra and perform unforgettable concerts. He is a leader that we are excited to have for our future.”
“We want to thank our Mayor of Scottsdale David Ortega, the Scottsdale Center for the Performing Arts, and our audience, sponsors, donors, and benefactors,” Partridge said. “We are so grateful to all of you. As a non-profit, the orchestra always welcomes volunteers and any generous support.
“We prepared many projects for the next season and beyond,” Partridge continued. “Follow us on our website and social networks. We are looking forward to seeing you at our upcoming concerts.”
For more information about the Scottsdale Philharmonic or to make a donation, visit or call 480-951-6077.