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Studio Carry On Harry 21 May : Sabine Gedeon had enough. Her life had been a torture from the moment of birth in Haiti when her mother rejected her and things only got worse from there. After years of struggle and hurt, she was prepared to take the pills she had in hand. But before she did, she expended her pain and rage at God, and told him that, “in fact, if He was real, and didn’t want me to move forward with my plans, that I needed Him to prove it to me!”
And here’s how she describes what happened next: “As I sat there on the floor, with no hope of making it to end of the week, God Himself showed up in my bedroom, wrapped His arms around me. I literally felt the warmth and power of His arms, and all I could do was sob like a baby until I fell asleep.”
Thus begins Sabine’s story of transformation, which she likens to that of a caterpillar emerging from a chrysalis into a beautiful, graceful butterfly. In her new book TRANSFORMED: The Journey to Becoming, Sabine chronicles what took her to such depths and how she followed that divine intervention with a relentless pursuit of self-improvement and purposeful growth, despite the deep pain from the struggle of transformation.
Today, Sabine Gedeon, is the Founder and CEO of Gedeon Enterprises, providing coaching and consulting services to ambitious, mission-driven leaders. With over 15 years’ experience serving as an HR professional, coach and advisor to leaders in Fortune 100 companies, and within her own practice, Sabine has helped hundreds of professionals break through barriers, uncover or build their leadership capabilities, and experience growth in their lives, careers, and businesses.
But to get there she had to overcome incredible odds.
In her book, readers follow as she recounts being emotionally and physically abandoned by her mother, and coming to the U.S. as a child with her father. While in the care of relatives, she was subjected initially to sexual experimentation and ultimately to a gang rape by cousins at the age of seven. Over the years, many other personal betrayals followed including lovers, friends, co-workers and even church members that she considered “family.” Love and trust always ended in pain for Sabine, leading her to perceive herself as worthless and alone. Hence, her dark night of the soul.
And even after the moment of divine intervention, her way forward was never easy. But Sabine developed the courage, fortitude and faith that propelled her forward. She rose in her career, sought counseling, committed to her personal growth, forgave her betrayers, and vowed to leave counterproductive people and thoughts behind.